Demystifying Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways: Your Ultimate Guide

Marc Strewart
3 min readSep 12, 2023


Payment gateway vs Payment Aggregator — Easebuzz payment gateway

In today’s digital age, making payments online has become an integral part of our lives. Whether shopping online, booking flights, or paying bills, you’ve encountered two essential components of online transactions: payment aggregators and gateways. But what are they, and how do they work? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the differences between payment aggregators and gateways to help you navigate the world of online payments effortlessly.

Payment Aggregators: Simplifying Transactions

Payment aggregators are powerful tools that streamline the payment process for businesses. They act as intermediaries between merchants and various payment methods, simplifying the integration of multiple payment options into a single platform. This allows businesses to accept a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and more, without the need for complex individual integrations.

Key Features of Payment Aggregators:

  1. Diverse Payment Options: Payment aggregators enable businesses to accept payments from various sources, accommodating the preferences of a broader customer base.
  2. Quick Setup: Setting up a payment aggregator is relatively simple and quick, making it an ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses.
  3. Unified Reporting: Aggregators provide consolidated reporting, making it easier for businesses to track their transactions and financial data.
  4. Security: Most payment aggregators offer robust security features to protect the business and the customer’s sensitive information.

Popular Payment Aggregators: Easebuzz, Stripe, PayPal, and Square.

Payment Gateways: Bridging the Online Payment Gap

Payment gateways, on the other hand, are essential components that facilitate secure online transactions. They serve as the virtual bridge between a customer’s bank and the merchant’s website, ensuring that payment information is transmitted safely and efficiently. When you make an online purchase, the payment gateway encrypts your payment data and communicates with the bank to authorize the transaction.

Key Features of Payment Gateways:

  1. Secure Transactions: Payment gateways use advanced encryption techniques to protect sensitive information, reducing the risk of fraud.
  2. Customization: Businesses can tailor the appearance and functionality of payment gateways to align with their brand and user experience.
  3. International Transactions: Payment gateways often support transactions in multiple currencies, allowing businesses to cater to a global audience.
  4. Integration: Gateways can be integrated into various e-commerce platforms and websites, ensuring a seamless payment experience for customers.

Popular Payment Gateways: Easebuzz

Differences Between Payment Aggregators and Payment Gateways

Now that we’ve explored the individual characteristics of payment aggregators and payment gateways let’s highlight their key differences:

  1. Role: Payment aggregators are intermediaries between businesses and various payment methods, while payment gateways facilitate secure transactions between the customer and the merchant’s bank.
  2. Integration: Aggregators simplify the integration of multiple payment methods into a single platform, while payment gateways integrate with a merchant’s website or e-commerce platform.
  3. Complexity: Payment aggregators are generally easier to set up and manage, making them suitable for smaller businesses. Payment gateways require more technical expertise but offer greater customization.
  4. Security: Both payment aggregators and gateways prioritize security, but gateways focus on securing the transaction process.


In online payments, payment aggregators and gateways play distinct yet complementary roles. Payment aggregators simplify accepting multiple payment methods, making them an excellent choice for businesses seeking simplicity and convenience. On the other hand, payment gateways focus on ensuring the security and integrity of online transactions, making them essential for businesses that prioritize safety and customization.

By understanding the differences between these two components, businesses can make informed decisions about their online payment infrastructure, ultimately providing their customers with a seamless and secure experience.

Navigating the digital landscape of online payments is no longer a daunting task. With knowledge about payment aggregators and gateways, you can confidently embrace the world of e-commerce and enhance your online payment processes.



Marc Strewart

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